On-demand Webinar: Diversification 2.0: Mastering the Art of Portable Alpha
Portable alpha (or as we like to call it: Return Stacking) has become increasingly popular in the financial media (including recent notes from industry giants like BlackRock, Russell Investments, and AQR) but many advisors are left asking: What does portable alpha mean? How might it benefit clients? How can I implement it?
At Return Stacked Portfolio Solutions we have made it our mission to thoughtfully and transparently help allocate into a portable alpha framework for client portfolios.
Join us for this deep dive webinar with Corey Hoffstein, CIO of Newfound Research as we explore:
- What 'Portable Alpha' is: Review of the history and theory of the concept.
- Outperformance Potential: Portable alpha/return stacking allows allocators to stack asset classes/strategies with positive expected returns on top of core assets which can help improve the likelihood of outperforming the market.
- Diversification Benefits: Using return stacking to stack low correlation strategies on top of the core portfolio can help reduce portfolio drawdowns, thus influencing likelihood of achieving financial plan goals.
- Behavioral Benefits: Sticking with low-correlation diversifiers can be difficult for clients. Return stacking can improve the likelihood clients stick with diversifiers long enough for them to realize the benefits.
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